Piekary Śląskie – the first implementation of LoRa network in Poland
December 2019 brought the implementation of a remote readout system for water meters in Piekary Śląskie to a successful end. The task included implementation of: 6.5 thousand Apulse-W extension modules on Itron water meters, 166 OKO data concentrators, 15 Kerlink LoRa antennas, as well as SIMAX software for data analysis, e-Customer Service communication, and network management optimization.
Piekary Śląskie is the first city in Poland that has comprehensively and on such a large scale introduced water meters equipped with radio transmitters. It is also the first implementation of the IoT LoRa network in our country. The project was recognized by experts from the working group on the Internet of Things at the Ministry of Digitization, who in their report described it as a leading example of innovation in the field of smart metering on a national scale. This has translated into an interest in the presentation of our IoT solutions during conferences and industry meetings.